"The advice I would give is to read everything in sight." - Warren Buffett
International Business
Title | Author |
The Handbook of Mergers and Acquisitions | Faulkner |
Poor Charlie's Almanack | Kaufman |
Time is Money | Nolan |
Shop Management | Taylor |
High Output Management | Grove |
King of Capital | Carey |
The Essential Drucker | Drucker |
Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and His Essay The Gospel of Wealth | Carnegie |
Other People's Money | Bagli |
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant | Jorgenson |
Real Estate Titans | Cohen |
Alibaba - The House that Jack Ma Built | Clark |
Invent & Wander The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos | Isaacson |
100 Baggers | Mayer |
Made in America | Walton |
Billionaire: The Life and Times of Sir James Goldsmith | Fallon |
The Psychology of Money | Housel |
The Wal-Mart Effect | Fishman |
The Self-Made Billionaire Effect | Cohen |
Lessons from the Titans | Davis |
The Principles of Scientific Management | Taylor |
Venture Deals | Mendelson |
Principles of Retailing | Moore |
Why We Buy | Underhill |
Beyond Tallulah | Hamilton |
J.R. Simplot: A Billion the Hard Way | Attebery |
The Four Pillars of Investing | Bernstein |
The Spirit to Serve | Marriott |
The Narrow Road | Dennis |
Smart Pricing | Zhang |
Tested Advertising Methods | Caples |
Principles of Economics | Mankiw |
Fooled by Randomness | Taleb |
The Snowball | Schroeder |
How Google Works | Schmidt |
Grinding it Out | Croc |
Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders 1965-2016 | Buffet & Olson |
A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers | Buffett |
Lessons of History
Title | Author |
The Changing World Order | Dalio |
21 Lessons for the 21st Century | Harari |
Becoming Kim Jong Un | Pak |
Heroes of History | Durant |
American Nations | Woodard |
The Tycoons | Morris |
Grant | Chernow |
Enduring Vietnam | Wright |
The Return | Matar |
Den of Thieves | Stewart |
Edison | Morris |
12 Years a Slave | Northup |
A Tale of Two Cities | Dickens |
Gray Work | Smith |
A Moveable Feast | Hemingway |
Outlaw Platoon | Parnell |
The Killing of Crazy Horse | Powers |
The Unsettling of America | Berry |
The Old West | Torrance |
Over the Edge of the World | Bergreen |
A Night to Remember | Lord |
Grandfather | Brown |
The Last Kingdom | Cornwell |
The Lessons of History | Durrant |
Papillon | Charriere |
Empire of the Summer Moon | Gwynne |
A Brief History of Time | Hawking |
Guns Germs and Steel | Diamond |
The Story of Philosophy | Durant |
The International Man | Casey |
Cosmos | Sagan |
Anthropology | Ember & Peregrine |
The Fish That Ate The Whale | Cohen |
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations | Landes |
The Complete Story of Civilization | Durant |
The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time | Durant |
Kon-Tiki | Heyerdahl |
The Fatal Shore | Hughes |
Psychology & Advertising
Title | Author |
Skin in the Game | Taleb |
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs | Gallo |
The Evolution of Desire | Buss |
A Hunter Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century | Heying & Weinstein |
Personality Psychology | Buss |
Intercultural Communication | Neuliep |
Taming the Tiger Within | Hanh |
Activate Your Brain | Halford |
HBR at 100 | HBR |
Improbable Destinies | Losos |
Words that Work | Luntz |
Purple Cow | Godin |
Tribles | Godin |
How to Not Be Wrong | Ellenberg |
Human Resource Management | Jackson |
*Confessions of an Advertising Man | Ogilvy |
Pitch Anything | Klaff |
Antifragile | Taleb |
The Black Swan | Taleb |
The Winner Effect | Robertson |
Subliminal | Mlodinow |
Compelling People | Neffinger & Kohut |
No One Understands You and What to Do About It | Halvorson |
Flow | Csikszentmihalyi |
The H Factor of Personality | Lee & Ashton |
The Folly of Fools | Trivers |
The Selfish Gene | Dawkins |
Evolutionary Psychology | Buss |
Scientific Advertising | Hopkins |
Title | Author |
Computational Complexity | Barak |
Modern Monopolies | Johnson |
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | Mealer |
Where Good Ideas Come From | Johnson |
Missing Microbes | Balser |
Unspun | Jamieson |
Brave New World | Huxley |
The Shallows | Carr |
Plato Republic | Plato |
The Incredible Colonel | Sanders |
The Time Machine and The Invisible Man | Wells |
From My Experience | Bromfield |
Chesapeake | Michner |
The World Until Yesterday | Diamond |
Five Easy Decades | Mcdougal |
Mother Teresa | Spink |
Socrates | Johnson |
The Art of War | Tzu |
The War of Art | Pressfield |
Bounce | Syed |
The Art of Strategy | Nalebuff |
The Art of Living | Epictetus |
Beyond Religion | Dalai Lama |
Willpower | Baumeister & Tierney |
Gandhi An Autobiography | Gandhi |
Born to Run | McDougall |
When I Stop Talking You'll Know I'm Dead | Weintraub |
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
- benjamin franklin